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CFW 3.55 Kmeaw e Homebrew

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Messaggio Re: CFW 3.55 Kmeaw e Homebrew 
Inviato: 06/02/2011, 12:54
C'è una guida anche per questo, basta solo cercare o scorrere un po più giuù la pagina ^_^
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wii 3.4e-Neogamma r9 beta 47-Hackwiiflow 2.0 rev 50.1-Hermes v5.1-HBC 1.0.8-Usb Loader GX V2.2
Ps3 Slim 160 GB FW 4.00

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Messaggio Re: CFW 3.55 Kmeaw e Homebrew
Inviato: 20/02/2011, 11:34
Buongiorno a tutti,
mi sono iscritto da pochi giorni e vorrei farvi i complimenti per il sito : Chessygrin : .
Ho da poco installato il cfw 3.55 kmeaw ma ho riscontrato alcuni probnlemi con quache backup. Più precisamente non funzionano fallaut new vegas e uncharted2 (con 3.41 jb non avevo problemi). L'unica prova che ho effettuato è quella di cancellare il backup di fallaut e successivamente ricrearlo. Qualcuno ha riscontrato problemi simili?

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Manual Maker
Manual Maker
    Windows XP Internet Explorer 8
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
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Messaggio Re: CFW 3.55 Kmeaw e Homebrew
Inviato: 21/02/2011, 10:19
Changelog Rogero Manager v8.1:

8.1.0 - Supports 2 built-in Payloads: the user can change between Sysc36 & PL3 from the Settings Menu.
8.1.0 - Updated the Payload detection function to supports all known payloads (3.41 & 3.55).
8.1.0 - New [USB Mount] option that enables loading of known "Black Screen Games" from external USB drive.
8.1.0 - [USB Mount] can only be used with CFW 3.55 (3.41 not supported), Split-Games also not supported.
8.1.0 - Optimized the Game Copy function for better/faster operations.
8.1.0 - Fixed the Progress-bar bug that was freezing at 99%, no more freezing.
8.1.0 - New FT Font is used instead of the Debug font, Japanese titles shows fine now.
8.1.0 - Added new D-pad List navigation & L2/R2 scrolling functions to support the new Font.
8.1.0 - Fixed the Delay problem experienced in version 8.0 on Game's Background Image Loading.
8.1.0 - Changed the Auto-fix-permissions to [L1+R3] = Fix_selected_Game Permissions on internal/external HDD.
8.1.0 - Fixed the "Protected Mode" bug that prevented it from saving it's last state on startup.
8.1.0 - Fixed the ScreenSaver bug that triggered it after Game Copy/Delete functions.
8.1.0 - Removed the initial Setup sequence on Startup and used Default settings for faster operation.
8.1.0 - Removed Un-used functions from the Settings Menu for simpler usage.
8.1.0 - Full Games Folders Auto-Detection,no more Games Folder Setup required,it's all Automated.
8.1.0 - Auto-Move of Games folder if found inside an old manager folder is now Optional on First Run.
8.1.0 - PS3 system version is now Auto-Detected on each Startup,not required anymore from Settings.
8.1.0 - BD-ROM Game Dump will be stored now using the Game's Title Name instead of the Game's Title ID.
8.1.0 - Added Grayscale effect for Split-Games in Games List (Will show them in Black/White colors).
8.1.0 - Added a Blurry Background Effect on Games List to allow better Titles/Names readability.
8.1.0 - Game Background Image can be Disabled from Settings Menu to Allow for better themes usage.
8.1.0 - New Theme used,Thanks to Opium2k for his great Themes:Rogero Manager Theme Depository
8.1.0 - Special Thanks to Deank/multiMAN for [USB Mount] support & last minute Graphic Effects.

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